
发布日期:2016-05-25    查看:
College English III
课程编码:08A09030     学分:3.0             课程类别: 通识必修课
计划学时:48           其中讲课:48          实验或实践:0          上机:0
Susan Stempleski、杨惠中主编,《视听说教程》3 ,上海外语教育出版社,2012年。
Leo Jones主编,《大学英语基础口语教程》, 上海外语教育出版社,2012年。
Susan Stempleski、杨惠中主编,《视听说教程》3 教师用书,上海外语教育出版社,2008年。
郑树堂主编,《新视野大学英语》读写教程3 教师用书,外语教学与研究出版社,2008年。
(1) 听力理解能力:能听懂英语讲课及简短对话和谈话,抓住中心大意、要点和有关细节,领会讲话者的观点和态度。
(2) 口语表达能力:能进行简单的日常会话,能就教材内容作简短问答和复述,能就熟悉的话题作简短的发言,表达意思基本清楚。
(3) 阅读理解能力:能读懂语言难度中等的一般性题材的文章,能基本读懂国内英文报刊,掌握中心意思,理解主要事实和有关细节掌握基本的阅读技能,阅读速度达到每分钟70词。
(4) 书面表达能力:能在阅读难度与课文相仿的书面材料时做笔记、回答问题和写提纲,能就一定的话题或提纲在半小时内写出 100—120词的短文。表达意思清楚,无重大语言错误。
(5) 翻译能力:能借助词典对题材熟悉的文章进行英汉互译,英译汉译速为每小时300个英语单词,汉译英译速为每小时250个汉字。 译文基本流畅,能在翻译时使用适当的翻译技巧。
(6) 词汇量要求:学生掌握的总词汇量应达到3500个单词和500个词组,其中1800个单词为积极词汇,达到能确切运用。
Unit One                                           建议学时:8
1. Improving students’ listening and speaking skills
2. Providing some relevant background information to broaden students’s horizon  
3. Helping students have a good command of complicated language points
4. Assessing students’ academic performance timely in a scientific way
1. Key words and expressions
2. The difficult grammatical points of “no matter(how, who, what, where, etc.)” and “just as”
3. The writing pattern of “problem-response-evaluation”
4. The reading skill of “scanning”
[授  课  方  法]  以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。课堂讲授以讲授精读为主,听力和会话为辅。所采用的教学法大致有功能法、结构法、语法—翻译法、交际法、情景法等;
[授  课  内  容]
Periods 1&2
1. A short summary of the previous term and the arrangement for the new term
2. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
3 . Listening and speaking:
  Unit One: Lets Go Somewhere
  Lesson A: Before you go 
4. Pre-reading activities of Section A in Unit One: Love Without Limitations
1) New words and expressions
2) A brief introduction to relevant background information
Periods 3&4
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. Text analyzation of Section A: Love Without Limitations
1) Part division of the text
2) Difficult sentences
3) Writing styles and devices
Periods 5&6
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. Exercises of Section A Love Without Limitations
3. Listening and speaking  
Unit One: Lets Go Somewhere
Lesson B: Travel
Periods 7&8
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. The reading skill on “scanning”
3. Words and expressions of the text in Section B of Unit One: The Framework for Love
4. Text analyzation of Section B: The Framework for Love
5.The exercises in Sectiong B
Unit Two                                           建议学时:8
1. Improving students’ listening and speaking skills
2. Providing some relevant background information to broaden students’s horizon  
3. Helping students have a good command of complicated language points
4. Assessing students’ academic performance timely in a scientific way
1. Key words and expressions
2. The difficult grammatical points of “appositvie” and “absolute structure”
3. The writing pattern of “cause-and-effect”
4. The reading skill of “facts or opinions”
[授  课  方  法]  以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。课堂讲授以讲授精读为主,听力和会话为辅。所采用的教学法大致有功能法、结构法、语法—翻译法、交际法、情景法等;
[授  课  内  容]
Periods 1&2
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. Listening and speaking:
  Unit Two: Indoors and Outdoors
  Lesson A: At home
3. Pre-reading activities of Section A in Unit Two: Iron and the Effects of Exercise
1) New words and expressions
2) A brief introduction to relevant background information
Periods 3&4
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. Text analyzation of Section A: Iron and the Effects of Exercise
1) Part division of the text
2) Difficult sentences
3) Writing styles and devices
Periods 5&6
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. Exercises of Section A: Iron and the Effects of Exercise
3. Listening and speaking  
Unit Two: Indoors and Outdoors 
Lesson B: Places and rules
Periods 7&8
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2.The reading skill on “facts or opinion”
3. Words and expressions of the text in Section B of Unit Two: Does Exercises Have Unexpected Benefits?
4. Text analyzation of Section B: Does Exercises Have Unexpected Benefits?
5.The exercises in Sectiong B
Unit Three                                           建议学时:8
1. Improving students’ listening and speaking skills
2. Providing some relevant background information to broaden students’s horizon  
3. Helping students have a good command of complicated language points
4. Assessing students’ academic performance timely in a scientific way
1. Key words and expressions
2. The difficult grammatical points of “as” and “suffix -ic”
3. The writing pattern of “a general statement supported by example”
4. The reading skill of “making predictions”
[授  课  方  法]  以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。课堂讲授以讲授精读为主,听力和会话为辅。所采用的教学法大致有功能法、结构法、语法—翻译法、交际法、情景法等;
[授  课  内  容]
Periods 1&2
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. Listening and speaking:
  Unit Three: Life Is All About Change
  Lesson A: The times of your life
3. Pre-reading activities of Section A in Unit Three: Where Principles Come First
1) New words and expressions
2) A brief introduction to relevant background information
Periods 3&4
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. Text analyzation of Section A: Where Principles Come First
1) Part division of the text
2) Difficult sentences
3) Writing styles and devices
Periods 5&6
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. Exercises of Section A: Where Principles Come First
3. Listening and speaking  
Unit Three: Life Is All About Change
Lesson B: In the future
Periods 7&8
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. The reading skill on “facts or opinion”
3. Words and expressions of the text in Section B of Unit Three: Cultural Differences in Western and Japanese Decision-making
4. Text analyzation of Section B: Cultural Differences in Western and Japanese Decision-making
5.The exercises in Sectiong B
Unit Four                                           建议学时:8
1. Improving students’ listening and speaking skills
2. Providing some relevant background information to broaden students’s horizon  
3. Helping students have a good command of complicated language points
4. Assessing students’ academic performance timely in a scientific way
1. Key words and expressions
2. The difficult grammatical points of “prefix co-” and “conjunction+prepositional phrase”
3. The writing pattern of “time sequence”
4. The reading skill of “appreciating figurative language”
[授  课  方  法]  以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。课堂讲授以讲授精读为主,听力和会话为辅。所采用的教学法大致有功能法、结构法、语法—翻译法、交际法、情景法等;
[授  课  内  容]
Periods 1&2
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. Listening and speaking:
  Unit Four: Health
  Lesson A: How do you feel?
3. Pre-reading activities of Section A in Unit Four: Five Famous Symbols of American Culture
1) New words and expressions
2) A brief introduction to relevant background information
Periods 3&4
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. Text analyzation of Section A: Five Famous Symbols of American Culture
1) Part division of the text
2) Difficult sentences
3) Writing styles and devices
Periods 5&6
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. Exercises of Section A: Five Famous Symbols of American Culture
3. Listening and speaking  
Unit Four: Health 
Lesson B: Getting better
Periods 7&8
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. The reading skill on “appreciating figurative language”
3. Words and expressions of the text in Section B of Unit Four: Engelbreits the Name, Cute Is My Name
4. Text analyzation of Section B: Engelbreits the Name, Cute Is My Name
5.The exercises in Sectiong B
Unit Five                                           建议学时:8
1. Improving students’ listening and speaking skills
2. Providing some relevant background information to broaden students’s horizon  
3. Helping students have a good command of complicated language points
4. Assessing students’ academic performance timely in a scientific way
1. Key words and expressions
2. The difficult grammatical points of “not until” and “a present particile used as adverbial”
3. The writing pattern of “the dominant impression supported by details”
4. The reading skill of “understanding idiomatic expressions”
[授  课  方  法]  以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。课堂讲授以讲授精读为主,听力和会话为辅。所采用的教学法大致有功能法、结构法、语法—翻译法、交际法、情景法等;
[授  课  内  容]
Periods 1&2
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. Listening and speaking:
  Unit Five: Student Life
  Lesson A: Starting out
3. Pre-reading activities of Section A in Unit Five: Graceful Hands
1) New words and expressions
2) A brief introduction to relevant background information
Periods 3&4
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. Text analyzation of Section A: Graceful Hands
1) Part division of the text
2) Difficult sentences
3) Writing styles and devices
Periods 5&6
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. Exercises of Section A: Graceful Hands
3. Listening and speaking  
Unit Five: Student Life
Lesson B: After graduation
Periods 7&8
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. The reading skill on “understanding idiomatic expressions”
3. Words and expressions of the text in Section B of Unit Five: Decisions of the Heart
4. Text analyzation of Section B: Decisions of the Heart
5.The exercises in Sectiong B
Unit Six                                           建议学时:8
1. Improving students’ listening and speaking skills
2. Providing some relevant background information to broaden students’s horizon  
3. Helping students have a good command of complicated language points
4. Assessing students’ academic performance timely in a scientific way
1. Key words and expressions
2. The difficult grammatical points of “so that” and “attribute clause”
3. The writing pattern of “a general statement supported by details”
4. The reading skill of “skimming”
[授  课  方  法]  以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。课堂讲授以讲授精读为主,听力和会话为辅。所采用的教学法大致有功能法、结构法、语法—翻译法、交际法、情景法等;
[授  课  内  容]
Periods 1&2
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. Listening and speaking:
  Unit Six: Telecommunications
  Lesson A: Telephoning
3. Pre-reading activities of Section A in Unit Six: How to Prepare for Earthquakes
1) New words and expressions
2) A brief introduction to relevant background information
Periods 3&4
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. Text analyzation of Section A: How to Prepare for Earthquakes
1) Part division of the text
2) Difficult sentences
3) Writing styles and devices
Periods 5&6
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. Exercises of Section A: How to Prepare for Earthquakes
3. Listening and speaking  
Unit Six: Telecommunications 
Lesson B: Crazy for cell phones
Periods 7&8
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. The reading skill on “skimming”
3. Words and expressions of the text in Section B of Unit Six: Changes in the Balance of Nature
4. Text analyzation of Section B: Changes in the Balance of Nature
5.The exercises in Sectiong B
撰稿人:张丹丹     审核人:梁爱民